Designed by George F. Emerson (USA)
Designed for the larger studio, the H5P Professional Studio is powerful and yet well balanced with a colorful tone. Cold pressed hammers of highest quality German Wurzen felt are the heart of the sound. Tuning and action stability are ensured with the multi-laminate maple pin block, bass agraffes, full perimeter wet sand cast plate, and the exclusive PAS Keyboard Stability system. Special ebonized sharps and all wood action parts made of hornbeam from Europe give the pianist exceptional control. Slow-close fallboard and classic design add the finishing touch.
Hailun Piano Co. Ltd., one of the largest piano maker in the World, has won 7 major International Awards for their uncompromising quality in design and production since it’s establishment 2001.
- 2006 – China Top Brand Name
- 2008 – Six Golden Star Medal by European music magazine DIAPASON
- 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2017 – Acoustic Piano Line of the Year by Music Merchandise Review (MMR), USA
- 2015 – Legacy Award in MMR’s the Hall of Fame by Music Merchandise Review (MMR), USA
- 2016 – Joseph A. Schumpeter Price in Austria Vienna
- 2018 – Music Inc.’s Editor Choice Award at NAMM (National Association of Musical Merchandise) show